Tim Eichenberg was elected in 2014 as the 29th State Treasurer of New Mexico, and was reelected in 2018 for another four-year term. Raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he attended Albuquerque Public Schools and graduated from the University of New Mexico.
• Former State Treasurer
• Former County Treasurer
• Former State Senator
• Current AMAFCA Board Member

Bernalillo County's Most Experienced Candidate.

Tim with fmr. NM State Treasurer James B. Lewis and fmr. NM State Auditor Brian Colón
About Tim
Tim’s career in public service began when he was elected Bernalillo County Treasurer. The reforms he implemented saved taxpayers money and led to his reelection. Later, Governor Richardson appointed him to the position of New Mexico State Property Tax Director.
He was elected to the New Mexico State Senate in 2008. Tim served on the public affairs and judiciary committees as a state senator. He was Chair of the Restructuring Committee, which sought to streamline State government and save taxpayers money. In 2010, Tim passed the Governmental Conduct Act, establishing a code of ethics for all government employees. In 2012, he served as Chair of the Revenue Stabilization and Tax Policy Committee.
Tim's Accomplishments
As an elected or appointed public servant, Tim’s commitment to improving the lives of New Mexicans has been his focus. There are many projects and programs that he has championed during this time and below are some highlights.
ABLE New Mexico
To enable disabled Americans in the State of New Mexico save money to achieve their own personal goals Tim helped sponsor legislation to begin this program. The Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act is considered one of the most significant pieces of U.S. legislation for the disability community since the Americans with Disabilities Act. The New Mexico legislature authorized ABLE accounts in 2016 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The State Treasurer’s Office launched ABLE New Mexico in January 2018!
Financial Literacy and Retirement Security
Educating New Mexico’s youth about financial literacy is a passion for Tim. Beginning in 2015 as State Treasurer, it became a personal project to help provide information to middle schools and high schools to educate our youth about saving money for their futures. This remains a priority and Tim will continue to help our youth with Financial Literacy as Bernalillo County Treasurer.
Compared to the rest of the nation, New Mexico has a lower percentage of private-sector workers who have a retirement plan available through their employers and many workers who have NO savings for retirement.​ Tim spearheaded the Retirement Income Security Task Force, the Work and Save Task Force, and HB 44, the Work and Save Act.
Investing for New Mexico
As New Mexico State Treasurer, Tim’s investment philosophy was to follow the Prudent Investment Rule: preservation of principal, liquidity, then yield when dealing with investments. He used this guiding principle all eight years while serving as your New Mexico State Treasurer. Tim, as your Bernalillo County Treasure will continue to use the Prudent Investment Rule to assure protection of the County Taxpayers funds.
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning
Tim believes in a true disaster recovery plan. We won’t forget the hardship of Covid for many years. As State Treasurer, Tim prioritized the security and safety of data and funds, allowing the Treasurer’s office to continue providing critical banking and investment services to all our local governments with minimal disruption. Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning will be crucial to Bernalillo County as well.
Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Control Authority
As a Director on the Board for AMAFCA Tim has lobbied for and accomplished dual use of the dams throughout Albuquerque such as bike trails and art projects while ensuring flood control.

Tim with fmr. Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords